January 10, 2009

hey hey

well hari ini gue cuma di rumah.karena ini adalah hari terakhir gue HOLIDAY yeeaah asik asik soalnya gue udah kangen banget sama anak-anak archimedes.hehe dan agenda gue hari ini adalah pertama gue bangun pagi pagi karna gue mau pergi berenang.trus kedua setelah berenang gue pulang ke rumah trus langsung nyalain laptop.ketiga gue chat pake msn sama nge-blogging dong huehue dan pas chat tiba tiba nada ol.y udah akhirnya gue sapa aja: inesha says:nada nada says:Heyheyhey inesha says:lg ngapain nada says:Nontoon,lo? inesha says:nonton ma blog aja hehe inesha says:lo sering k rmhnya talitha ya nada says:Ooooh gt hehehe nada says:Sering bgt nesh haha inesha says:eh eh kpn2 kita jalan yuukk nada says:Ayooook inesha says:k pim atw kmn nada says:Ke pim ajaa inesha says:oke deh sipsip nada says:Okeoke inesha says:oh iya spx kpn gathering lg nada says:Yaallah udah gatau lagi tuh nasib inesha says:tau nih gmn sih kan lo ketuanya inesha says:skrg anggotanya ada brp nada says:Udah bukan leader lg mas nada says:Haha nada says:Gatau anggota brp huahaha inesha says:ooouuuhhh gitu y mbak hehe nada says:Hahahaha iyaaach inesha says:ouuuchh lo lg ol sm syp aj nada says:Sama pacar sama lo doanggg,lo? inesha says:sama lo sm tmn2 gue hehe inesha says:cie cie ehem ehem ganggu gak nih nada says:Huahaha nada says:Engga kok engga nada says:Lo suka sisha? inesha says:cie cie syp nmnya?ank gis juga? inesha says:gue gak prnh nyobain sisha nada says:Namanya dika nada says:Anak albin nada says:Sisha enak loooh inesha says:albin itu apa sih? inesha says:gue lupa hehe nada says:Tapi jangan2,sisha lebih parah soalnya dari rokok inesha says:iya emang emang kata tmn gue juga kyk gitu nada says:Al-azhar bintaro syg nada says:Huahaha inesha says:enak gak di gis? nada says:Kaga inesha says:kok kaga nada says:Hahahaha nada says:Gt deeh inesha says:ooohh hehehe inesha says:eh lo udh msk y? nada says:Udaah nada says:Lo? inesha says:blm dong hehe bsok br msuk nada says:Enak abiss inesha says:yoi inesha says:hehe nada says:Heheh inesha says:nad sorry ya td komputer gue low bat inesha says:nad gue blm add fb lo hehe nada says:Add dongg inesha says:ok ok sip sip nada says:Luanada belacita inesha says:oke deh sip sip nada says:oke deh thankies :D

Brothers say acting and singing are equally enjoyable

Recently, the kid reporters at Newsday spoke with brothers Alex and Nat Wolff, who star in Nickelodeon's The Naked Brothers Band. Here is their interview: Q: How old were you when you first performed in front of a live audience, and where was it? Nat: At my (family's) apartment in New York. I was about 5. I played with a bunch of friends, and Alex sat in for one song. I just wanted to do a concert, so we invited all my parents' friends, all my friends, like the whole class. Q: Which do you prefer: playing in a band or acting on TV? Nat: I can't choose, I go back and forth. Usually I would say performing in a band, but, especially when I'm on the show, it's so cool to do the acting. Alex: I think performing in a band, but just like (Nat), sometimes I just want to act. Q: Nat, do you like Rosalina on the show (played by Allie DiMeco) in real life? Nat: Next question! Q: Who would you like to guest-star on your show? Nat: I'd like Paul McCartney more than anyone. That would be so cool. Alex: I'd like David Bowie, Ashton Kutcher or Jim Sturgess (who played Jude) from Across the Universe (a 2007 movie based on Beatles' songs). Q: What is your favorite song on your CD (The Naked Brothers Band) and why? Alex: I really can't pick a favorite, but there are two that I wrote, I Could Be and Alien Clones. Q: What music do you like? Do you have a favorite album? Nat: I'm a huge Beatles fan. I love Sting, Elton John. My favorite album is Rubber Soul (by the Beatles). Alex: I love Green Day, the Beatles, Bob Marley, David Bowie. Right now, my favorite album is (the Beatles') Magical Mystery Tour. Q: What is your favorite school subject? Alex: Recess! Nat: I like English, I like writing. Q: Now that you're famous, do you ever want to trade places with regular kids like us for a day, or do you like your life the way it is? Nat: I think being famous is kind of like being a regular kid, except everybody knows who you are, and everybody gets to hear my music now, which is really good.

January 8, 2009

August rush

gue suka banget ma ini film.bikin gue ketagihan untuk nonton lagi.pokoknya keren banget.jadi ceritanya ada anak yatim piatu yang gak nyadar kalo sebenarnya dia punya orang tua.dan ternyata orang tuanya punya bakat musik yang di turunin ke anaknya yang yatim piatu itu.ternyata ibunya main cello di sebuah orkestra dan ibunya dulu sekolah di julliard sedangkan bapaknya pemain band yang suka main gitar.ibu bapaknya mempunyai hubungan yang terlarang sehingga ibunya hamil dan anaknya adalah august rush a k a anak yatim piatu itu.pokoknya happy ending deh akhirnya si anak ketemu sma ibu bapaknya :D dan ini scence yang paling gue suka: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN0c_egqXAM

January 2, 2009


Rulesssss : The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.
The age of my next Bday :
well ultah gue sih sebenarnya bukan tepat hari kemerdekaan tapi 2 hari setelah hari kemerdekaan.coba aja kalian itung A city I was born : Jakarta ibukota Indonesia kita tercinta tersayang terindah terpuja (halah apaan sih gue?)

A nickname I had :

ini nama gue ambil dari dj yg namanya juga inesha walaupun gak terkenal dan nama chacha dari film kartun "chacha"

A place I'd like to travel :

gue pengen banget nge-liat big ben dan k dubai of course!
A hobby:
fotografi dong sambil internetan juga favorite animal: kucing.walaupun gue punya dan gue takut.

Favorite band:

klaxons,jonas brothers and P!ATD bad habit:

kebo banget.kalo urusan tidur mau di jalan mau di tempat yang rame tetep aja tidur

a favourite place:

my own bedroom dong tapi kalo yang ini gue gak tau punya siapa